Recipe University Personal Learning Capsules

Recipe University Personal Learning Capsules Guide

Recipe University’s learning capsules provide a collection of resources surrounding a specific topic or theme related to our work. This guide can be utilized by individuals to facilitate their own learning experience, as well as a framework for managers to lead their teams through a specific learning journey.

Team Building Capsule

Team-Building Capsule

Building a strong team is a result of establishing trust, vulnerability and connection. Regardless of where your team is geographically-located, it is important to continuously work on creating and maintaining a solid team. The resources in this Capsule will help the learner look at various aspects of team-building and the associated activities will help you towards establishing an effective team dynamic.

Updated Overcoming Obstacles and Building Resiliency

Overcoming Obstacles and Building Resiliency Capsule

This learning capsule focuses on what being resilient actually means, how to adapt in the face of adversity and how it can improve your personal growth. Through different TED talks and articles they are tips on how to become more resilient and have self-care both physically and mentally for your health.

Updated Innovation Capsule

Innovation Capsule

This learning capsule includes podcasts, articles and videos that discuss how to create innovative work environments and grow your creative problem-solving skills. This capsule also covers affiliated topics such as building a culture of experimentation, brainstorming new ideas as well as managing change.